Public Art

April 23, 2024

The Job

Today, I had a wonderful interview about the recent temporary art project I created in partnership with the City of St. Cloud ( I was asked two questions - why and what's next. The why was simple; there is joy supporting communities interested in infusing creativity and art into their work.
December 13, 2023

The Temporary Art Project Interview

Today, I had a wonderful interview about the recent temporary art project I created in partnership with the City of St. Cloud ( I was asked two questions - why and what's next. The why was simple; there is joy supporting communities interested in infusing creativity and art into their work.
December 11, 2023

Working with Artists in Public Spaces

I have a background in community development. As I began to look into becoming a public artists, I realized that people living in small neighborhoods or communities often volunteered time to find, hire, and lead art projects. So if you are a grassroots leader navigating a first-time or one-time project, here are the basic steps you will need to walk through to keep your project moving forward.